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Hopkinton Prepares For Boston Marathon

HOPKINTON (CBS) - The Town of Hopkinton was buzzing Sunday with the anticipation of tomorrow's marathon.

On Monday, 27,000 runners will step off from Hopkinton for the start of the Boston Marathon.

Vendors were set up Sunday to feed the anticipated crowds and spectators and runners were out to check out the starting line.

Related: Boston Marathon Guide

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Kim Tunnicliffe reports

Hopkinton Prepares For Boston Marathon

Hopkinton/Boston Marathon
Booth set up at the Boston Marathon Start Line. (Credit: WBZ NewsRadio's Kim Tunnicliffe)

One runner from Japan was at the start line checking out the scene. He told WBZ NewsRadio 1030, he is very excited for Monday.

Natick Labs robots were on the common to entertain children and an army well wishers booth was set up where people could write well wishes to troops overseas.

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