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Hingham Students Surprise Retiring Principal With Flash Mob

HINGHAM (CBS) - Hingham Middle School Principal Roger Boddie is retiring after more than three decades on the job.

Last week, his students pulled off an incredible goodbye surprise.

"He's an amazing, amazing principal," said Maggie Raso, a seventh grade student. "I couldn't ask for anyone better."

He's had a big job, filled with teaching and lots of listening, and now says it's time to pass the torch.

As principal, kids don't usually get much past Mr. Boddie until last Friday. He thought he was making a video about the new school construction. What he didn't know was that the entire school had been keeping a secret for weeks.

"No one said anything," said Brian Pattison, a teacher at the school. "They wanted it to be a surprise just as much as the faculty did."

So before the goodbyes, there was one last hurrah! All the teachers and students gathered in the parking lot and waited for Mr. Boddie to get to the roof.

"We wanted to make it special for him because of how special he is to us, show him how much we will miss him," Maggie said.

Watch: YouTube Video Of Flash Mob

The kids were all there, dressed in neon and holding signs saying "Thank You for Believing In Us." The students danced to "Don't Stop Believin" by Journey.

"When people ask what I'm going to miss, I think I know what it is," Boddie said while watching the students.

"These kids will do anything to get out of class," he said smiling.

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