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How healthy is your relationship ahead of Valentine's Day? Researchers develop special test

New test can help people rate the quality of their romantic relationship
New test can help people rate the quality of their romantic relationship 01:27

Valentine's Day is upon us and even if you have a special someone, is your relationship a good one? Researchers in Sweden have designed a "Valentine's Scale" to help you determine the quality of your connection.

Being in a loving relationship can bring psychological well-being, improve your quality of life, and support good overall health, but how do you know if your relationship is healthy? Researchers at Stockholm University have developed what they call a scientifically validated scale, the "Valentine's Scale" which can measure how satisfied you are in your romantic relationship.

Valentine's Scale

The scale consists of seven questions that touch on key aspects of a relationship such as emotional closeness, trust, and conflict resolution. Asking questions such as "Can you confide in your partner?", "When you and your partner disagree, do you get over it quickly?", "How emotionally close do you feel to your partner?", and "How often have you recently considered separating from your partner?" It then tells you whether you have a strong, loving, stable relationship and offers tips on how to improve your bond.

Researchers said two studies involving over 1,300 participants show that the scale has high reliability over time. It's a tool "for reflection and dialogue, not as a definitive assessment of the future of the relationship."

Encourages open communication

The goal is to encourage open communication and understanding and not create undue stress. The scientists suggest doing the test on Valentine's Day as a way to get closer to your partner without overinterpreting the results.

The test is free of charge and can be found here.

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