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Harvard Study: Sugary Sodas Make Boston Teens More Violent

BOSTON (CBS) - Can sugary sodas make teenagers violent?

A new study seems to point in that direction.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Doug Cope reports


The study from the Harvard School of Public Health found inner-city Boston high school kids who drank more than five cans of sugary sodas a week were 9-to-15 percent more likely to engage in an aggressive act than teens who drank less soda.

WBZ-TV's Jon Keller Is At Large

Study author professor David Hemenway told WBZ NewsRadio 1030 the results were surprising.

"We were really shocked that the strength of the relationship, it was so stable, no matter what you else added to the regression analysis. No mater what else you did, this result was so strong and it was for all forms of violence."

"Violence against your peers, violence in dating relationships, and also violence among siblings. So it's just like, pushing, shoving, beating up your brother."

But Hemenway cautions other factors could be involved in the violent behavior and more study is needed.

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