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Gresh & Zo: Rondo's 'Punk' Move Hurts Celtics

BOSTON (CBS) -- Gresh & Zo led off today's show by ripping into Rajon Rondo following his ejection for bumping an official at the end of the Celtics' Game 1 loss to the Hawks.

"That was his dumbest moment ever," Scott Zolak said. "This is why I called him a punk a month ago."

GEAGAN: Time For Rondo To Smarten Up

Andy Gresh was in agreement.

"That was as simple-minded, selfish, ridiculously petulant and as stupid a moment as we've seen out of Rajon Rondo," Gresh said. "Last night was a punk-ish move, it really was.

"I don't see how anyone can defend what Rondo did."

Gresh & Zo went on to call out Rondo's leadership and decision-making after he cost the team any chance in the waning moments of Game 1, while also bringing his availability in Game 2 into doubt. They also discuss how long they think Rondo will be suspended.

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