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Gresh & Hardy: Spygate Versus Bountygate

Gresh and Hardy kick off Wednesday's show from Ace Ticket Studio in Kenmore Square talking about the joint practices between the Patriots and Saints.

The guys discuss the Patriots' "Spygate" scandal and how it compares to the Saints' "Bountygate" scandal.

"Fans don't look upon [the Saints] as being this awful group of guys who engaged in this awful, terrible, unforgivable thing," Hardy said. "No. It seems like at least in the mind of an NFL fan away from the city of New Orleans ... they don't have bad feelings about the Saints right now. And that's surprising to me."

Andy Gresh said the Patriots received more backlash in 2007 than the Saints are now.

"I think Spygate is so much worse than Bountygate. So much worse," Gresh said.

Hardy said both "gates" are similar in that neither really affected the outcome of any games, but some fans feel otherwise when it comes to the Patriots.

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