Greenfield Police Using Pink Handcuffs, Wearing New Pins For Breast Cancer Awareness Month
GREENFIELD (CBS) -- Greenfield police officers will be using pink handcuffs and wearing new pins in October in the hope of raising awareness about breast cancer.
During National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, some of the officers have replaced their on-duty silver handcuffs with pink ones and will be using them during their work day, according to the Greenfield police Facebook page.
"While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take the steps to have a plan to detect the disease in its early stages and encourage others to do the same," reads their Facebook page.
The officers will also swap out their standard blue-and-white collar pins with pink-and-white ones. They will read "Arrest breast cancer - unlock the cure" and feature a pink ribbon and a pair of handcuffs.