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Grateful Appreciation For All That Is...

That is how I feel today. It is not a perfect world by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, the more you look and learn, the more horror you will find. This week we saw a glimpse of one of the worst sides of humanity. As we live here in the greatest country of the world, luckily we don't have to worry about such things in our daily lives. Unlike in other parts of the world, in Pakistan, Iraq, North Korea, Somalia, Afghanistan, Israel, on and on it goes...children and families live with this threat daily. It is hard to fathom. The concern is this kind of delinquent behavior increasing right here at home. Be it foreign or domestic...these troubled souls are becoming more and more desperate in a world from which they have become isolated. There is no way to excuse, or explain such grotesque behavior we have seen lately from Sandy Hook to the Marathon Bombings. If it is mental illness or religious is all based around extremely demented thinking, which we are all soft targets.

So I sit here in this free society, grateful for all those who worked so hard to help and save the wounded. All the police who put their lives on the line in this incredible manhunt. Grateful that another day has dawned where we can begin to live again. Appreciative for this country we live in, for the values we share, and all that has been given so we may simply live.

On this day, when the Red Sox, Bruins and Celtics will be fighting for Boston pride...I sit here like all of you...proud of my city...but exhausted, and extremely sad that I even have to talk to my children about such things. Sad for those who have suffered. And sad that this is now the world we live in...more dangerous than so many ways. Yet today, as a father of four and the weight of the world on my shoulders, I sit here grateful and appreciative that we can watch these sports today. I am grateful just to talk about the weather. The weather. Aahhh. It just sounds so nice hear again.

Let's get to it shall we!? A cold front has pushed off the coast taking the rain along with it. Drying westerly breezes are following in for the afternoon with skies trying to become partly sunny. A steady SW flow aloft is helping to provide some midlevel cloud cover which will help to keep temps mainly in the mid-upper 50's for the second half of the day...At times there will be more clouds than sun...but a gradual thinning and erosion to the clouds will continue from west to east for the rest of the day. More diurnal driven cloud cover is across NY and western New England associated with a cool pool of air aloft moving in with a weak trough sliding over New England today. These clouds will dissipate with a lowering sun angle and give way to clearing skies tonight and much cooler air settling into the suburbs and valleys with good radiational cooling overnight with clear skies, light winds and dry air.

High pressure will slide eastward tonight supplying the unseasonal cool air to the region with lighter NW winds. The high will build over us Sunday with sunshine, lighter winds and a developing sea breeze at the coast. Highs on Sunday will be a bit cooler in the lwr-mid 50's inland, but a wind turning onshore will keep temps in the 40's at the beach even with the April sunshine. The high will be sitting over Nova Scotia Monday morning with cool crisp Canadian air with clear sun filled skies. Winds will be steady from the east on Monday so a wind off the water will dominate keeping temps feeling quite cool at the beaches(40s) with lwr-mid 50's inland away from the marine airmass.

We will have to watch the coast south of New England for Tuesday. Some models like the Canadian, Japanese, SREF have energy rounding the base of a trough in the midsection of the country and being steered into New England. This would produce a mini nor'easter like rainfall with gusty winds and chilly raw temps in the Lwr-mid 40's. Meanwhile, the Euro and GFS models have a flatter, less pronounced look to the shortwave, with most of the rain and energy staying off shore. There is a chance of rain on Tuesday...but it is something we will just have to see. This could easily be a miss.

Weak high pressure would make for a pretty nice day on Wednesday with sunshine and highs in the Lwr mid 60's. Another cold front will push through Wed. night and early Thursday with a few showers and drier air to follow for the end of the week to kick off the start of the weekend. Over all, a little bit of a cooler week ahead.

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