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Giving Thanks for Sunshine on This Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving!  It's going to be a beautiful day for those early morning Turkey Trots and mid-morning football games, but it's also going to be a bit on the chilly side.  Despite a day filled with sunshine, high temperatures will stay in the 44-48F degree range. 

Once you wake up from your 'tryptophan' trance later this evening, you can get ready to head out to your favorite store and grab those early bird specials. Tonight will be starlit with overnight lows betwen 30-40F. 

'Black' Friday:  A sunny day is in store.  A cool start will lead the way into a mild afternoon with highs near 60F! 

This Weekend: Again, this weekend will be a beauty with highs in the middle to upper 50s on Saturday and Sunday. Sunday will include more late-day clouds as a weak front nears Southern New England.

This is a nearly perfect 'Weather Menu' for your Thanksgiving Feast and extravaganzas following this day to give Thanks!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Melissa :)

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