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18-Year-Old Running Boston Marathon For Dad With Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Spaulding Rehab Hospital

BROOKLINE (CBS) – Before heading off to college and beginning his adult life, George Flint of Brookline will run the Boston Marathon Monday - a bittersweet 'so long' to his city.

"It feels like one more warm hug with Boston," George said. "I think that's enough to keep me going every mile."

The 18-year-old said, "It's the thing I've been dreaming about for years and years and years."

But the sudden motivation - the urgency - to pursue this dream this year, really came from his family's nightmare.

"I basically started again. I was learning to walk all over again," his dad, Anthony, recalled.

Anthony was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, an extremely rare condition in which the immune system attacks the nerves. Anthony spent several weeks at Spaulding Rehab - now George is running and raising money for them.

"I'm easily fatigued I haven't been the dad I wanted to be. Him kind of soldiering on through all of that is just remarkable. A lot of strength," Anthony said, emotionally.

And yet that strength he so admires in his son, stems from what George watched his dad do every single day at Spaulding.

"Their motto all over the walls when I went there was find your strength. Run for those who can't. I wouldn't want to run for any other team," George said.

A hug for his city… and one for dad, too.

"If I can make anyone feel a little more powerful, a little more capable with it. It's worth the miles," George said.

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