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'Mindful On Spending': With Gas Prices Skyrocketing, Mass. Residents Have To Find Ways To Save

BROOKLINE (CBS) - As the price of regular gas inches towards $5.00 per gallon, drivers are feeling the sticker shock at the pump.

"I am a bit shocked. Everything went up overnight and I'm wondering if there's relief to it," said Marco Murad of Boston.

One mother of two who didn't want to be named said she's budgeting more than ever.

"I'm big about coupons," she said. "You make the best of it day by day."

If you're finding it difficult to afford the cost of food, housing and now gas, a financial planner told WBZ-TV that there are small things consumers can do daily to budget for the necessities.

"The things that you spend on that you don't need to spend on, you might want to back out on those now," said Beyond Your Hammock founder Eric Roberge. "Going out to restaurants, buying things for yourself and other people – let's just focus on buying gas, feeding yourself and affording the things you need to do."

Marco Murad has had to make those sacrifices. He said, "I have cut out coffee. I've been mindful of my spending."

Experts say even these small changes can make a big difference.

"Just buying your own coffee and brewing it at home is probably going to cut that cost to $2 dollars a day so that's significant savings per day or month," said Roberge.

Consumers are feeling the pressure and told WBZ that they hope the price hikes are just temporary.

"It's just really worrisome to see where things are going," Murad said. "Are we going to pay $20 a gallon for gas?"

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