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Francona Not Concerned Whether Papelbon Is Motivated By Money

BOSTON (CBS) - Terry Francona knows Jonathan Papelbon will be extra motivated this season, and he doesn't care to know why.

"There may be various reasons why he wants to bounce back. I'm not sure I care, whether it's financial. I just want him to get a bunch of saves. He looks like he's in great shape. I don't think this has been as much of an issue for Pap as maybe it was for people talking about Pap," Francona told WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Jonny Miller.

Francona said the signing of reliever Bobby Jenks, a former closer with the White Sox, should have no negative effect on Papelbon.

Red Sox manager Terry Francona talks to WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Jonny Miller and other reporters at Fort Myers about his team.


"Right away when we signed Jenks, I was in touch in Pap and he knew where I stood on this. I don't think it was much of an issue," said Francona.

Papelbon is set to be a free agent in the upcoming season, and if he wants to earn a lucrative multi-year deal, he will need to improve last year's numbers. In 2010, Papelbon had career worsts in ERA (3.90), blown saves (8), home runs allowed (7), walks (28) and losses (7).

"Yes. I think (his upcoming free agency) will motivate him. I don't think he's ever been real hesitant to say that. He aspires to be one of the high-bar (closers). That's OK."

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