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Organized thieves believed to be targeting cars at Foxboro, Attleboro YMCAs

Organized thieves believed to be targeting cars at Massachusetts YMCAs
Organized thieves believed to be targeting cars at Massachusetts YMCAs 02:00

FOXBORO – Police are warning people about a ring of organized thieves smashing vehicle windows at gyms and daycare centers, and stealing valuables inside. 

Seven vehicles were broken into Monday at the YMCA parking lot in Foxboro, where the manager has notified all YMCAs in Massachusetts to be on alert.

The thieves also targeted vehicles at the YMCA in Attleboro Monday and last month.

Childcare employee Katherine Dorsey had her purse stolen.

"I came out, the whole window was smashed in. There was glass everywhere inside. There was glass everywhere outside," she said. "It's terrifying. It makes me feel very uneasy, very unsafe."

Police said the thieves covered up the license plate on the vehicle they were in Monday, so security cameras couldn't pick it up. Foxboro police said typically one group handles the break-ins.

"What they'll do then, is pass them off to a separate group of people who then use those identifications, checks, whatever they find in the cars, and bring them to banks, and then they will try to withdraw money from your accounts," Foxboro Det, Patrick Morrison said.

Police say the group known as the "Felony Lane gang" operates up and down the east coast.

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