Foxboro Cracks Down On Event Parking At Homes
FOXBORO (CBS) - The town of Foxboro is now cracking down on residents who sell space on their driveways and lawns to sports fans and concertgoers trying to avoid the traffic on congested Route 1.
For residents it was a little extra income to put up with the inconvenience of crowds and traffic, but for the town it became a public safety issue, and some residents say it got out of hand. "It was excessive with people parking sometimes 20 cars all over their yards and making a business out of it," said resident Joanne Dorr who lives on North Street just off Route 1.
It's a controversial new by-law that Heather Morgan believes is unfair. As concertgoers were headed to the country musical festival she was only allowing a few friends to park without charge. Until now she was charging up to $30 for people to park on her property making as much as $300 a day. "It would help pay for taxes and bills, taxes in Foxboro are pretty high," she said.
Police were seen in the neighborhoods checking ID's to make sure it was residents only on the streets, and inspectors were making the rounds looking for violators. Police say the new bylaw is aimed at reducing backups of cars on the side streets that often block access to other residents. It carries a substantial penalty of $100 per car.