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Football Resumes At Gillette Stadium

BOSTON (CBS) - The NFL draft continues Friday, and that is almost the only thing normal about the 2011 off-season. The rest is mired in labor talks and court appeals but, for now, players are reporting to work at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro.

We just cannot tell you who has reported to work…

Read: Patriots Draft: Who Is Nate Solder?

Patriots' security won't let anyone get near the players' parking lot, so there was no contact with them as they reported for off-season workouts -- the first since a judge in Minneapolis ruled the NFL's lockout was illegal.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Mark Katic Reports From Gillette


For now, the league is preparing arguments for an appeal in federal court in St Louis. The league and players also have court ordered labor talks on May 16th.

Read: Patriots Well Stocked For 2nd, 3rd Round of NFL Draft

With the lockout lifted, momentum seems to favor the players in trying to get a deal done.

Teams are also waiting to get word from the NFL on how to proceed in regards to trades and signings in an off-season and is very off kilter.

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