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Should I go ahead and get my flu and COVID vaccines now? Dr. Mallika Marshall answers your questions

When should I get my COVID and flu vaccines?
When should I get my COVID and flu vaccines? 01:26

BOSTON - Dr. Mallika Marshall is answering your latest health questions. If you have a question, email her or message her on Facebook or X (formerly known as Twitter).

Mark writes, "I usually wait until mid-October to get my flu and COVID shots each year." The question is, is this a good idea? Since the new COVID vaccine is available, should people go ahead and get their flu and COVID vaccines now?

Hold off on flu shot for now

If you are immunocompromised or have other special circumstances, you should consult your primary provider about when to get your vaccines. But in general, my advice would be to hold off on the flu vaccine until October. Flu season in New England spans from October to May but usually peaks in January and February, so you don't want your immunity to wane before flu activity is at full tilt.

When to get COVID vaccine?

As for the COVID vaccine, if you haven't had COVID in the past three months and you haven't received the last COVID vaccine within the past four months, you can get the new COVID vaccine at any time. Some would prefer to wait until closer to the holidays so their plans aren't disrupted, but we're still seeing some COVID activity out there right now so you run the risk of getting infected before you get the shot.

And if you're the kind of person who knows that you'll only make one appointment this fall to get vaccines, get the flu and COVID vaccines at the same time because it's better to get both of them on the same day than risk not getting one of them at all.

Dr. Mallika is offering her best advice, but as always, consult your personal doctor before making any decisions about your personal health. 

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