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Five Days Later: Sturbridge Picking Up The Pieces From Tornado Damage

STURBRIDGE -- These are frustrating days for people in Sturbridge who suffered tornado damage. They're trying to salvage what's left and make a plan to rebuild.

Crews have restored power on Main Street in Sturbridge and they are removing the cinder blocks from the collapsed walls at the local auto body shop.

WBZ-TV was there last Thursday as workers described the moment the twister hit.

Mass.Gov: Tornado Recovery

"It was horrible, really horrible," said Corey Blair.

As of Monday, there is still plenty of work to be done as broken tree limbs still impale many vehicles.

WBZ-TV's Joe Shortsleeve reports.

But, the owner says plans are in the works to rebuild his three-year old business.

"Hopefully it will be bigger and better someday, but in the meantime we are losing a lot of customers you know," said Mark Manthorne.

Manthorne said he has spent the past several days meeting with insurance adjusters. There were 80 cars on his lot when the tornado hit, with many of them there for just minor repairs. Now, they are all a total loss.

Last Thursday, WBZ-TV also met Neal Campbell. He was in his home office as the winds ripped it apart.

As of Monday, a tarp covers the worst damage and there is enough firewood in his yard for one hundred winters.

"The town of Sturbridge has been fantastic. Volunteers showed up on Saturday and Sunday and helped out. And all the lots have been raked. People have been fantastic. We are doing better," said Campbell.

Photos: Tornadoes Tear Through Massachusetts

Across the street, shattered windows are now boarded up and Dave Miranda and his family are now living in a motel.

He says he still has not heard from his insurance company.

"We are hoping to hear from them today. I gave them an earful this morning," said Miranda.

Five days later, all the damaged trees are being cut down.

Donate: The CBS Boston Cares Massachusetts Tornado Relief Fund

And this neighborhood is beginning to take shape again, and recover, from a Wednesday night in June residents will never forget.

The National Guard is still stationed in Sturbridge and still restricting access to the Willard Road Neighborhood.

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