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Finding Jobs During Summer Months Easier Than You Think

BOSTON (CBS) - Even though beaches and barbecues tend to leave many industries noticeably quieter in the summer months, opportunities for active job seekers still exist from May to August.

Despite the popular misconception that employers halt hiring when the weather gets hot, Winter Wyman Career Professional Tracy Cashman insists that most companies have no set hiring schedule.

"I think everybody's belief is that nobody finds a job in the summer, when the reality is that hiring happens all year 'round," says Cashman.

For those currently seeking employment though, the inability to get in contact with employers during the summer can be a point of frustration. One Foxboro resident, Steve Udden, even feared that vacation schedules would halt his job search.

WBZ-TV's Paula Ebben reports.

"One of the first things I hear is 'Madam or Sir is out of the office for the next week, so be patient and you'll hear back,' " says Udden.

According Cashman, however, that patience can be the key to landing a new job in the hotter months.

"Processes can take a little bit longer [in the summer]," says Cashman. "But, if you're patient, sometimes that can pay off because you have fewer people to compete against."

In addition to less competition, summer job seekers may find an extra boost from many corporations' financial calendars. Cashman notes that some employers even increase hiring in July.

"There are a lot of companies who actually have July 1 fiscal years," says Cashman. "That can lead to hiring in July because companies are getting new budgets."

Furthermore, Cashman adds that temporary and contract positions tend to grow in the summer.

"In some fields, obviously, they can't afford to have someone go on vacation without that job being done," says Cashman.

Whether the job seeker is looking for a full time, part time, or temporary position, all potential employees can also benefit from increased networking opportunities in the summer.

For Steve Udden, it was a backyard barbeque that provided an unexpected boost in his job search. Udden is hopeful that a connection made at the summer cookout will develop into an employment opportunity.

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