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Felger & Mazz: Shut Up Jordan Crawford!

BOSTON (CBS) - Celtics guard Jordan Crawford didn't play a minute in Boston's Game 5 victory in New York on Wednesday night, but that didn't stop him from running his mouth after the game.

Crawford had some less than flattering things to say to Carmelo Anthony (if you read lips, it looks like it has something to do with Melo's wife), which set the Knicks star off. Some shoves, and likely a few more profanities, were exchanged, but no punches were thrown before order was restored.

Read: Tempers Flare After Game 5

But in doing so, did Crawford wake up the Knicks? We won't know for sure until Friday night's Game 6 in Boston, but 98.5 The Sports Hub's Michael Felger is none too pleased with Crawford's actions following the game.

"If I'm Doc Rivers, if I'm Danny Ainge you know what I'm doing today? I'm calling up Jordan Crawford's agent and telling him to get your player the hell out of here; goodbye, see you later LOSER!" said Felger. "You jackass. You clown. What are you doing? You are keeping your mouth shut and winning games, you're not instigating or poking them."

"The Celtics said within the last 48 hours 'let them talk, let them do their thing. Let them put pressure on themselves'... (The Celtics have) clawed their way back into this series, and this loser, who has no idea how to win, this loser on the end of your bench is going to say something and give Carmelo Anthony more reason."

Read: Celtics Putting Pressure On Knicks, But Not Getting Overexcited

"Doc Rivers finally said enough and sat him down, and this is the guy to give the Knicks reason -- to poke that bear? What are you doing? If I'm Doc Rivers, I'm saying see you later clown."

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