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Felger & Mazz: Public Perceptions Of Athlete Conduct

With Mazz out of the studio, Felger and Bertrand rolled into the final hour of Thursday's show discussing public perceptions of athlete conduct, and pondering the double standard that seems to have arisen when examining incidents that involve different categories of athletes.

Where did this double standard come from, and why do we feel different about similar situations when one involves a hockey player and the other involves a basketball or football player? Why was the Boston media so critical of Corey Dillon's past when he signed with the Patriots, yet there is relatively little attention being given to the fact that Joe Corvo viciously assaulted a woman in a Boston bar?

Whether you blame the differing amounts of scrutiny on the amount of media coverage that different sports get, or the way that each sport's athletes and culture are perceived, it is clear that the public assesses controversial incidents quite differently across the different major sports. Should we ignore the heinous things that Corvo did just because hockey players are supposedly nicer and more accessible? Or, should this sort of action be treated the same, and covered the same, regardless of the circumstances? Tune in to hear the debate!

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