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Felger & Mazz On: Trading Rondo For Chris Paul

Tony Massarotti and guest host Adam "Pacman" Jones discuss the possibility of trading Rajon Rondo to New Orleans for Chris Paul.

Massarotti: "If the Celtics really wanted to, they could actually put together a pretty good package here that would match up quite well and bring Chris Paul to Boston. I don't know if Danny Ainge is truly exploring it. I don't know whether the Celtics are even considering it. But if they're not, they're nuts! To me, I recognize that Paul is coming off knee surgery and that is always a concern. But if you think Rajon Rondo, all things being equal and I'm talking about health here, is in the same class as Chris Paul and you would not make this trade, you are out of your mind. Out of your mind. I would do this in a second. If they had had Paul in place of Rondo, a healthy Paul, this postseason they would have won the championship. I firmly believe that."

Pacman: "The Celtics can make the contracts work and actually make a pretty appealing package for New Orleans. The main motivation for New Orleans is that Chris Paul wants out. Ken Berger wrote it first yesterday and it's been followed up on quite a bit. He wants out of New Orleans. He's done in New Orleans. He wants to team up with a big 3, a trio in the NBA, which seems like it's going to be the new course. LeBron started this, you could even argue the Celtics started this 3 years ago when they put together Garnett, Allen, and Pierce. He wants to compete for a title, he wants out of New Orleans, and New Orleans wants to shave cap money. Would I do it? Yes I would do it. Chris Paul, from an all around point guard standpoint, is a much better than Rajon Rondo."

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