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Felger & Mazz On: Patriots Coaching

Following the Patriots frustrating loss to the New York Jets, fans have begun to question the coaching methods and foundation of the organization.  The guys sat down to discuss whether it is right time to question Belichick regarding his personnel decisions, drafting, and free agency acquisitions.

Felger: I think when you have a loss like this, it shakes the foundation.  You question methods, approaches, and big picture things with your team. I'm not saying their methods are wrong, but I think that it makes me question them, especially going back to last year. Why be so narrow?  In 2000, it was his first draft. They haven't drafted a pass rusher in 11 years. So, when you get to this point, isn't it fair to question the methods of just not drafting a guy who can get after the quarterback? Look at the track record going back to last year and ask yourself if we are on the right track.

Mazz: If you draft well, you can get away with a lot of stuff. To me, that's the biggest problem. The whole value based system... that you can pay those rookie guys less than you would pay a free agent to come in over the same time. That's how you control your cost. But what if you whiff on those draft picks?  What I have never understood is that if you're a team that has resources, like the Patriots do, you should use free agency to augment your draft. If you eliminate one or the other, your eliminating a pool of talent you can draw from. Why would you eliminate free agency entirely where you could find some players to help you? It's stupid.

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