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Felger & Mazz On: Jeter's Bush League Antics

After instant replays showed that Derek Jeter was not hit by a pitch in last night's game vs. the Tampa Bay Rays, Felger & Mazz rip him for his A-Rod like antics and terrible acting job to win over the umpires.

Felger: "Jeter squared to bunt and on the 3rd replay it showed the ball hitting the nub end of the bat. You know what I said right out loud? What a bitch! What was that? The reason you respect the guy is because that's not how he plays the game. When he did that I was like 'You little biznatch! What are you doing? That's what A-Rod does!' I am not that guy, nor have I been, who says 'Hey, whatever it takes.' No! I don't like it when the opponent flops and fakes. I don't like it when my team does it. I get zero enjoyment out of it. We are winning a game because we are faking? I hate it. It's what I hate about international soccer and it's what I hate about the Montreal Canadiens. And I used to like Jeter. I still do, I won't hold that one play against him. But that was garbage you faker! You little international soccer playing flopping biznatch! God I hated that!"

Massarotti: "It makes you lose respect for him, it's an A-Rod move. It's the kind of move when a guy is trying to catch a pop up and you yell at him to try to distract him. I can't tell you how disappointing that was. I say that as a card carrying member of the Derek Jeter fan club. When Derek Jeter plays his final game at Fenway Park, he will get a standing ovation. He's one of those rare guys, like a Cal Ripken Jr., who we've enjoyed to compete against over the years, respect their ability and the way they went about their business. That last night? Bush league!"

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