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Felger & Mazz On: ESPN Breaking The LeBron Story

Early this morning, ESPN's Chris Broussard broke the story that all signs are indicating that LeBron James will join Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami. Felger and Massarotti wonder why ESPN would break their own bubble? The guys weigh in...

Felger: "I had the worldwide leader [ESPN] on this morning, I couldn't help it. They were pounding the crap out of this thing. They just didn't let that scoop go by the wayside. If you put on ESPN now it's constant on the scroll, on the lefthand side and on the bottom of the screen. Turn on any ESPN network they're trumpeting this story. If LeBron James does in fact choose Miami tonight, and ESPN did in fact burst their own bubble on it, they gain a measure of respect in my mind."

Massarotti: "They get no measure of respect from me for that particular part of it. I think there is a disconnect that exists between the people out there like Broussard making the phone calls and the guys way up high who have agreed to give LeBron his own variety show. Generally, I think that's how that works. The mere fact that ESPN is giving this guy an hour to do his own TV show, to me, is borderline reprehensible. And I'm not entirely convinced he's going to Miami."

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