Felger & Mazz: Does An Offseason Standoff Make Sense?
Today Felger and Massarotti opened up with a little free agency talk. They feel that both the Celtics and Bruins should not stand still. Should Boston's teams try to make a splash? Also Ron from Vegas and Penn State talk round out the opening segment.
Does the signing of Kevin Garnett for three years show that Danny Ainge wants to keep the band together? If that is the case, does Ray Allen pass on South Beach and return to Boston? Felger and Mazz discussed what the numbers mean for the Celtics future and getting over the Miami hump.
Also in the opening, Felger and Mazz went on to mention the standstill that is the Bruins offseason. Do you agree with Felger that the B's need to try to go make a move?
Other topics in the first segment include the return of Ron from Vegas and the idea that Penn State needs to drop their football program. Do you think that Penn State has no option but to drop football?