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Felger & Mazz: Artur Davis On Clemens Mistrial, "A Big Embarassment for the Government"

As Massarotti and Bertrand continue to discuss the Roger Clemens mistrial, former Federal Prosecutor Artur Davis joined the show to offer his thoughts on the shocking turn of events that occurred this morning.

Davis declared the mistrial "a big embarrassment for the government," and outlined for listeners how the prosecution was able to commit such a glaring mistake. What will this mistrial mean for the future of Roger Clemens and this case? Will he be able to walk away free and uncharged because of the slip-ups of the Federal Government, or will the Feds get a second chance?

Additionally, the guys also asked Davis if they would consider not retrying the case due to a lack of resources or the possibility of violating double jeopardy. Will fans get to see Clemens get what many feel he deserves, or will this mistrial mean he will never have to set foot in a courtroom ever again? Tune in now to find out, and hear what the experts think of the Clemens mistrial!

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