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Dylan Levesque's family wants traffic light at Middleboro intersection where he was killed

Family of Dylan Levesque calls for Mass DOT to put traffic light at intersection where he was killed
Family of Dylan Levesque calls for Mass DOT to put traffic light at intersection where he was killed 02:45

MIDDLEBORO - Chelsea Levesque stares at the memorial right by the crosswalk where her son, 15-year-old Dylan Levesque, took his final steps. 

"It's hard to stand here at the last place he stood alive. And I just don't want another mother to stand here like I am and do this again," she said

The Middleboro freshman was on his way home from work when he was struck by a car at this busy intersection on Route 28, on Mother's Day. 

He was airlifted to Hasbro Children's Hospital in Rhode Island, but did not survive.

"I don't know if I will ever to be able to celebrate Mother's Day again," she said. 

Since the accident a lot has been done. 

Mass DOT had the crosswalk lines repainted, cut down trees, and recently installed flashing beacons to signal drivers to stop and allow people to cross, but the family says this is not nearly enough and they want to see real traffic lights installed in this intersection. 

"We want to see Mass DOT to come down here and make a traffic light really happen. People need to be made to stop," Levesque said.

We tested to see how the flashing beacons worked. Dylan's step-father had to stop as two cars flew by. 

"These little yellow lights are not close to enough to tell me I need to stop," his step-dad Mark Slattery said.

This past weekend family and friends held signs that say "Slow Down For Dylan,"

"People still continue to fly through the intersection," Levesque said.

The family now has a petition called Put Up a Light Save a Life, hoping Mass DOT will install a new light. 

"I don't want anyone to face the tragedy that my family went through. I don't want to see another mother bury their child," Levesque said.

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