Hoax Alert: Mark Zuckerberg Isn't Giving Away Millions To Facebook Users
MENLO PARK, Calif. (CBS) -- No, Mark Zuckerberg isn't about to make some Facebook users rich.
You may have seen some of your friends sharing posts about the CEO's plans to give away part of his fortune to 1,000 people. The meme claims all you have to do is copy-paste the message and post it for a chance to win.
Even though the post cites "Good Morning America," myth-busting website Snopes says there's no truth to this claim.
"This post is simply another example of the plentiful "something for nothing" hoaxes that have circulated since the early days of the Internet," Snopes says.
Zuckerberg has indeed said he'd be giving away billions to charitable causes, but nothing about his wealth going to Facebook users.