Everett Will Require Masks In Public Spaces Beginning Monday
EVERETT (CBS) -- The city of Everett will require masks if you're out in public beginning Monday.
Mayor Carlo DeMaria issued the order Saturday, which states that anyone older than 2 must wear a face covering at any indoor or outdoor space open to the public.
According to the order, masks must be worn at parks, businesses, outdoor spaces and all public spaces. Those going to a restaurant will be able to take their masks off to eat and drink.
"I have ordered the Everett Police Department, Everett Health Department, and Inspectional Services to strictly enforce these guidelines and issue warnings and/or violations to those who are not adhering to the Order can be fined up to $300 per violation. I know these measures may seem extreme; however, this virus is extreme. As we continue to grapple with the spread of the coronavirus, the response to mitigate the current pandemic and flatten the curve has to be more vigorous. We must all understand the seriousness of the virus and work with one another as we get through this period of time together," DeMaria said.
The order will remain in effect until further notice.