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Wholesale bakery in Boston facing citations, penalties for alleged wage theft

BOSTON - A Boston wholesale bakery has been accused of wage theft and is facing numerous citations and fines.

Dutch Maid Bakery and the staffing agency Hub Personnel were issued citations for failing to pay minimum wage and overtime wages, failure to have accurate pay records, failure to provide written notice of earned sick time leave and other violations. Dutch Maid President Gary Blanken and Treasurer Joseph Pearson Jr. and Hub Personnel President and Treasurer Hoang Nguyen were also issued citations.

"Workers deserve to be paid their rightful wage - and when they aren't, our office will hold their employer accountable," Attorney General Andrea Campbell said. "As we push for greater economic stability for our residents, tackling the issue of wage theft will remain a priority for this office."

Other staffing agencies that provided Dutch Main with temporary workers were also issued citations.

The Attorney General's Office said that more than 30 citations were issued and the organizations face $440,000 in restitution and penalties, as dozens of workers are owed restitution.

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