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Dual Protests Stoke Tension On The Boston Common

BOSTON (CBS) - With loud voices, and in some cases using foul language, hundreds of President Trump supporters held a Freedom of Speech rally on the Boston Common.

They want to protect the First Amendment.

"The constitution is what our country is operated by. It's about freedom of assembly, religion and speech." John Karriman of Oath Keepers said.

Their message did not come without criticism, and did in fact clash with a smaller group of anti-Trump protesters.

"We represent anybody left of center that don't want to see these fascists gathered here today in Boston Common. These people don't represent the people of Boston and they are not going to be allowed to gather without recourse," one protester said while hiding his face.

Anti-Trump protester who didn't want to show his face. (Photo credit: WBZ-TV)

There was a strong police presence throughout the rally to keep the peace.

Boston Police keeping the peace between rival protest rallies. (Photo credit: WBZ-TV)

Trump supporters marched around Boston Common spreading their message of free speech, upholding traditional American values, and coming together as a country that is clearly greatly divided.

"I think Americans should come together on common ground and on the First Amendment but a lot of radical on the left has abandoned the constitution and want to use violence against those they disagree with" Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers said.

Another rally participant who didn't give his name said the rally is needed because Boston is where the campaign for independence began.

"The reason this rally is needed is simple. We're in the heart of this country's birthplace, where men died to give us the freedom and liberty we have today," he said.

"Some of us feel like we take it for granted; others believe that there should be a limit to free speech which is an integral part of our Constitution," he said.

He added that he doesn't want to drown out opposing voices, "This isn't about spreading abusive ideas or starting a city-wide brawl. It's an open forum for anyone to speak their mind."

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