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Donald Trump Mocks Hillary Clinton At New Hampshire Rally

WINDHAM, N.H. (AP) — Republican Donald Trump is mocking Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for saying that she'd "short-circuited" when discussing her email controversy.

Trump tells those at a rally in New Hampshire that Clinton's "got problems" and that Americans "don't want someone who's going to short-circuit."

Trump is also saying that Islamic State militants are "salivating" at the prospect of Clinton's election.

The billionaire businessman is speaking in a hot gymnasium in Windham, New Hampshire, the state that gave him his first primary victory.

Clinton this week said that she "may have short-circuited" when she incorrectly claimed that FBI Director James Comey said her answers to the bureau about her use of a private email server were "truthful."

Trump tweeted earlier that, "Anybody whose mind 'SHORT CIRCUITS' is not fit to be our president!"

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