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Carlos Arredondo Among Gold Star Family Members Demanding Apology From Trump

BOSTON (CBS/AP) – Boston Marathon bombing hero Carlos Arredondo is one of many Gold Star family members slamming Donald Trump for his comments about a fallen soldier's parents.

The Republican presidential nominee has come under intense criticism for his disparagement of the bereaved parents of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, a Muslim who was awarded a Bronze Star after he was killed in 2004 in Iraq.

At last week's convention, his father Khizr Khan criticized Trump for proposing to freeze the entry of foreign Muslims into the U.S. and accused him of making no sacrifices for his country.

Trump stoked further outrage by implying Ghazala Khan did not speak while standing alongside her husband at the convention because she is a Muslim woman.

Keller @ Large: Sometimes It's Better To Stay Silent, a progressive veterans advocacy group, released an open letter Monday from the family members of 23 fallen soldiers.

Arredondo, who rushed toward the Boston Marathon explosions to help save lives in 2013, and his wife Melida are among those who signed the letter. Arredondo's son, Lance Cpl. Alexander Arredondo, was a marine killed in Iraq in 2004 at 20 years old.

Mass. resident Keavin Duffy also signed the letter. His brother Sgt. Shane Duffy was killed in Iraq in 2008.

"If there's anybody that has earned their First Amendment right, it's those that have sacrificed a life to this country and the Khans deserve their First Amendment right," said Duffy.

Duffy says he's not only appalled; he's offended by Trump's remarks.

"It's not what we were built on. We're built - this is a country that stands up for people," Duffy said. "To have somebody on the national stage that's willing to bully POWs and Gold Star moms just because the Gold Star mom is Muslim? Come on."

Read The Full Letter Below:

August 1, 2016

Donald J Trump

725 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10022

Mr. Trump,

We are all Gold Star Families, who have lost those we love the most in war. Ours is a sacrifice you will never know. Ours is a sacrifice we would never want you to know.

Your recent comments regarding the Khan family were repugnant, and personally offensive to us. When you question a mother's pain, by implying that her religion, not her grief, kept her from addressing an arena of people, you are attacking us. When you say your job building buildings is akin to our sacrifice, you are attacking our sacrifice.

You are not just attacking us, you are cheapening the sacrifice made by those we lost.

You are minimizing the risk our service members make for all of us.

This goes beyond politics. It is about a sense of decency. That kind decency you mock as "political correctness."

We feel we must speak out and demand you apologize to the Khans, to all Gold Star families, and to all Americans for your offensive, and frankly anti-American, comments.

We hope you will hear us.


Diane and Neil Santoriello, Mother and Father of 1LT Neil Santoriello, KIA, Iraq

Summer Lipford-Mickelson, Mother, Frederick Sirko, Father, Kirby Mickelson, Stepfather, Laura Sirko Samimy and Bridget Sirko Gentle, Sisters of PFC Steven Sirko, KIA, Iraq.

Sue and Randy Loudon, Mother and Father of 2ndLt. Christopher Loudon, KIA, Iraq

Melanie House, Widow of HM3 John Daniel House, KIA, Iraq

Derek and Lorene Davey, Mother and Father of Cpl. Seamus M. Davey, KIA, Iraq

Celeste Zappala, Mother, and Raphael Zappala, Brother of SGT. Sherwood Baker, KIA, Iraq

Sue Niederer, Mother of 2LT Seth Dvorin, KIA, Iraq

Fulvio and Gilda Carbonaro, Father and Mother of Sgt. Alessandro Carbonaro, KIA, Iraq

Karen Meredith, Mother of 1LT Ken Ballard, KIA, Iraq

Sergio Torres, Father, Lupe Torres, Mother and Beatriz Saldivar, Aunt of SGT Daniel Torres, KIA, Iraq

MG (Ret.) Paul D. Eaton, and Frank Eaton, sons of Col. Norman Eaton, KIA, Vietnam

Stephanie Fisher, mother of SSG Thomas Fogarty, KIA Afghanistan

Norma and Oscar Aviles, parents of Lcpl. Andrew J. Aviles, KIA Iraq

Cheryl Lankford, widow of CSM Jonathan"Miles"Lankford Sr., KIA Iraq

Carlos and Melida Arredondo Father & Step-Mother to Lcpl. Alexander Arredondo, KIA, Iraq

Florence Sandra Penn , sister of 1 LT Charles Penn Jr , KIA Korea

Nadia McCaffrey, mother of SGT Patrick McCaffrey, KIA Iraq

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