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Did I Say 'Snow'?

It's quite cold outside this morning as some of the 'burbs have fallen into the teens.  The sun will rise ~6:50am providing us a bright sky initially.  However, that won't be long-lived as clouds will continue to take over the sky. You'll be driving home under overcast conditions.  Highs will be on the cool side today as the digital thermometer will be reading 35-40F.   The wave of low pressure will pass to our south, which will be responsible for mostly cloudy skies and scattered flurries and light snow showers for Southern Plymouth and Bristol counties as well as the Cape and the Islands.  Several neighborhoods in these geographic locales will wake-up with a 'candy coating' to a half of an inch of snow on Thursday morning.

Thursday will become mostly sunny and milder in the middle 40s.  Do you need a vacation da?  Are you longing for a long weekend?  Friday is a great option. It will be sunny, breezy and mild in the upper 40s.

A cold front moves near the region on Friday night.  These questions remain fast will it move east, and will a wave of low pressure develop along the boundary slowing its eastward movement?  The GFSx remains the most progressive solution.  With just 4 days out, I was hoping that models started to come into a better agreement as to whether or not the front will slow its eastward progression due to the development of an additional wave of low pressure. It's closer, but it's still not a definitive solution amongst the two main long-range models I'm using...the GFSx and the EURO.  Both are standing strong with the solutions they've been depicting since earlier this week.  The GFSx pushes the cold front far enough east by Saturday morning to provide just a slim chance of a few snowflakes early on Saturday. This keeps the bulk of the moisture offshore.  On the contrary, the EURO is still providing the chance of a light snow accumulations as a wave of low pressure develops along the frontal boundary and slows its movement.  Regardless of which solution rings true,  it should be minor in terms of its effects on our viewing area.  At the moment, I'd say that we 'could' see 1-3" of snow at most.  You've heard this before, but it's true...we will have to wait for newer model runs before we can fine-tune and tweak this forecast to precision.

This weekend is going to be a cold  The coldest day will be Sunday with highs in the middle to upper 20s.  If you have tossed your heavy winter gear in the closet, you may want to dig in and pull them out. You'll be thankful that you did!

~Melissa :)

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