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Deer Crashes Through Window, Headbutts Driver In Mendon

MENDON (CBS) - A local dad got the scare of a lifetime. Jesse Mazzola was driving along when a deer came crashing through his car and head-butted him.

Mazzola's window was open while he was driving on a country road in Mendon. His wife and one-year-old daughter were in the car as well.

"The second i looked over it was just eye to eye with a deer," he recalled.

Mazzola had no time to react.

"Saw it out of the corner of my eye, looked over and at the same time it was just lined up perfectly, gave me a head-butt to the face, split my nose, broke it, gave me seven stitches"

WBZ-TV's Jim Smith reports

Jesse's wife Verusca was in the back seat with little Olivia because the baby was a bit fussy.

It's probably a good thing, because the deer snapped off the side view mirror and sent it flying into the front passenger seat.

"After it bounced off my face, I heard its neck snap and something break; and it went over the hood and I slowed down, stayed in my lane, told her to call 911 and meet us down the street because I was losing a lot of blood quickly," Jesse said.

Bits of fur and hair are still embedded in his car in addition to the dents.

But Jesse's nose will heal and little Olivia and her mom were unhurt.

Biologists say deer often run onto wooded roads during the summer and with the growing deer population, crashes are becoming more common.

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