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Segregation Era Memorabilia Sold At Dedham Auto Show Flea Market

DEDHAM (CBS) -- Renee Johnson was shocked and offended by what she saw Sunday at the flea market at the Bay State Antique Auto Show in Dedham.

"There were racist memorabilia," Johnson told WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Carl Stevens. "I won't say that they were antiques, because they were obviously remakes."

She says a booth at the flea market was selling signs reading "no colored allowed," "white trade only," along with segregationist drinking fountain signs and other offensive statues.

"There were random padlocks and keys sprinkled throughout the table," said Johnson.

As an African-American woman visiting the annual auto show at the Endicott Estate with her young children, she says she was very offended.

The head of the Bay State Antique Auto Club apologized to Johnson, saying his group would take steps to ensure nothing like this ever happens again.

Event organizers did not have the name of the vendor.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Carl Stevens reports


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