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Curious About the Reward

With the capture of Whitey boy Bulger I'm curious.  Who will get the reward that was offered for he and his girlfriend? Will it go to "the tipster" ??  - Dan, Raymond

There's big money involved here.  Whitey has a $2-million dollar price on his head, and the reward for info about his longtime girlfriend Catherine Greig was just doubled this week to $100,000.

The FBI was very tight-lipped on where the tipster was who led them to Bulger and Greig.

The agency DOES say it was a tip that came from a new publicity campaign asking the public for information about Greig that broke the case.

Late Thursday night they did acknowledge that person would certainly be entitled to the money but also suggested that person had not yet come forward.

What do you think about Whitey Bulger's arrest after all this time?

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