Curious About A Law Requiring An ID To Buy Cough Syrup
BOSTON (CBS) - If you look young enough, you can expect to get carded if you buy a bottle of wine or a pack of cigarettes.
But cough syrup?
That's what happened to Jay in Middleboro, who Declared his Curiosity, writing, "I just got asked for my ID at a CVS to buy cough syrup for my sick son. I was flabbergasted. Is this a state law or company policy?"
In this case, it is the company policy, but CVS is far from alone.
Many pharmacies ask you to prove your age because cough syrup contains "dextromethorphan."
If you drink enough of it, the effects can be like alcohol and it can get you intoxicated. Last fall, the FDA was actually asked to make cough syrup available by prescription only, but the FDA rejected the idea.