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Cue The Snowflakes, It's The Weekend

BOSTON (CBS) - We just can't shake it. This pattern of snowy Weekends is getting to be a bit ridiculous. Someone needs to dial up Mother Nature and let her know it is nearly April. Doesn't it seem like it has snowed just about every Weekend in recent memory? I mean seriously, can you remember a Weekend when snow wasn't coating the roads, or worse, ruining your plans? Would you believe that snow has fallen on 9 consecutive Weekends, dating back to late January? That snow on January 24th was actually the start of our historic snow blitz. We received 5.1" on that date, about as much as we had received for the entire season at that point…and then it was off to the races.

You may remember the Weekend of Feb 7-8, or perhaps you have tried to forget. The snow started on Saturday and actually lasted through Tuesday! 8.3" fell during the Weekend hours and over a foot more fell on Monday.

Or how about Valentine's Day Weekend…another snowstorm. 16.2" fell this time, mercifully it didn't ramp up until after the romantic dinner was over.

Every single Weekend in February had measurable snow. And in March, our streak continued. Just a few flurries (a trace according to the National Weather Service) fell on the Weekend of Mar 7-8. But, that was followed by snow for the St. Patrick's Day Parade on March 14th and more than an inch last Saturday.

So, can we make it an even 10 Weekends in a row? A clean sweep of February and March? Absolutely. Cue the snowflakes, it's the Weekend.

The rain that has fallen for a good deal of the last few days is finally moving offshore, but it won't make it far. A frontal boundary is going to stall to our east and waves of low pressure will continue to ride along it for the next few days. This boundary will stay just close enough for a swath of precipitation to brush Eastern Massachusetts late Tonight and Saturday. At the same time, colder air will be filtering in from the north and temperatures will drop from the 40s into the 30s.

Just before Midnight Tonight, rain and snow showers will begin again. By Saturday Morning, this area of precipitation will have expanded to encompass most, if not all, of Eastern Massachusetts. North and West of Boston, it will be mainly snow. Right along the Coast and in southeastern Massachusetts, it will be more of a rain/snow mix early on and gradually change to all snow during the day. By mid to late afternoon, the snow will become more spotty. By evening, expect just some leftover snow showers and clearing skies overnight.

Accumulations are tough to call. The ground has warmed quite a bit over the last few days and some of the snow may melt on contact initially. Most of the roads should stay more wet than white on Saturday, best chance of road accumulation would be north and west of Boston where temperatures are slightly colder. It appears a general 1-3" is possible for Eastern Massachusetts by late day Saturday. Farther inland, west of I495, the snow will be lighter and spottier, so a coating to an inch should do it there.

As for Boston, the City already broke the all-time snowiest season record a while back and currently sits at 110.3". So another inch or two won't really mean all that much, just padding the stats at this point.

Clearly it is way too early to forecast snow for NEXT Weekend…But, since it is a holiday Weekend (Easter), we can speculate just a bit. Long range weather models have been showing a decent sized storm somewhere in the Friday April 3 or Saturday April 4 timeframe for a while now. Latest trends are for a warmer storm (rain) but given that it is still a week away, a lot can happen. If you were a gambler, given the winter and early spring we have had thus far, wouldn't you be more apt to bet on snow? Me too. Might as well go for the trifecta of holiday snows, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day and now Easter. Then again, it would be nice to start playing some baseball and put this winter behind us wouldn't it? Let's start a new Weekend streak…how does sunny and warm sound?

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