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Cops Shoot Worcester Car Rampage Suspect

WORCESTER (CBS) - A man accused of going on a rampage in his car was in serious condition Saturday after officers shot him.

The wild scene unfolded Friday evening in Worcester when an officer witnessed the driver, whom  police identify as

20-year-old Isack Changa, strike a cross walk signal pole and drive off.

That officer, driving in the opposite direction, pulled a U-turn, but in the process, lost sight of the Changa.

A short time later, Worcester police responded to a hit and run accident involving the same car.

The victims in that accident were about to get into their parked car when Changa slammed his car into it.  Neither were hurt.

Police say Changa kept going and a few minutes later he plowed through the front entrance of People's United Bank on Grafton Street.

Witnesses told police that the driver barreled through the parking lot, nearly striking a man, before ramming the car through the front of the bank. The crash caused extensive damage to the building.

One witness said he ran inside the bank to help and found the driver had jumped out of the car and over the bank counter and was looking for cash.

Changa jumped back in his car, took off, and again nearly ran over the same person who had been in the parking lot.

Police cruisers chased the car and eventually managed to block it in an alley. But as officers tried to arrest the suspect, he again took aim with his car.

One officer, who was out of his cruiser, shot the suspect in the abdomen.

Changa is expected to face charges of assault with a dangerous weapon, malicious destruction of property over the value of $250, breaking and entering in the nighttime with the intent to commit a felony, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, illegally attaching license plates, leaving the scene of personal injury, leaving the scene of property damage, and operating a motor vehicle so as to endanger.

The entire incident, including the shooting, remains under investigation.



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