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Complex Set-Up Ahead

We will have one more quiet day today with sunshine fading to clouds and highs ranging between 29F-33F.  Snow develops throughout the day Friday, especially in the afternoon and evening.  As the current models depict, the heaviest snow is expected to fall Friday night thru early Saturday morning.  The million dollar question is where the heavy snow band will set-up shop created by the norlun trough. One anomalous model shows the heaviest band setting up along the North Shore, Merrimack Valley, and Southern New Hampshire.  A couple of other models depict the heaviest snow falling from upstate NY thru CT, RI, and into a narrow strip between the Mass Pike and the Cape Cod Canal.  I still believe there will be a general snowfall of 1-4" with higher amounts of 6"+ where the norlun trough develops.  The majority of this storm will require nowcasting.  Regardless, some of us will be shoveling, kids will be sledding, and skiers will appreciate some fresh snow.

Melissa :)

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