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Colvin On Carter Injury: Puts Strain On Linebacker Crew

The Patriots went into Denver to take on Tim Tebow and the Broncos in one of the most anticipated games of the week.

Denver took control in the first quarter scoring 13 points and holding the to just seven points, but the Patriots adjusted holding the Broncos to just one touchdown while scoring 20 unanswered points. The Broncos scored once more late in the game, but victory was out of reach and the Patriots improved to 11-3. With this win the Patriots clinched the AFC East.

Former Patriots linebacker Rosevelt Colvin spoke with Toucher & Rich Monday morning about the win over the Broncos, Andre Carter's season ending injury and the big hit Tom Brady took courtesy of Elvis Dumerville.

"I think it was a playoff atmosphere; I think you heard Phil Simms say that at the beginning of the game. It's because of all the hype of what the Broncos and Tim Tebow have been creating over the past six or seven weeks," Colvin said.

The Patriots defense couldn't stop the Broncos at all in the first quarter, but seemed to completely change their plan for the second and were successful. How often do teams throw out their whole plan during a game and build a new plan.

"It doesn't happen too often. I think, again with the team that they have defensively, it's not like they have a lot of guys that they can sit there and can trust their feel of the game," said Colvin.

New England defensive end Andre Carter had to be carted off the field and will have to undergo season-ending surgery for a quad-related injury. With 10 sacks this season, how big of a blow is the loss of Carter to the Patriots defense?

"I think it's just as significant as losing a Spikes or Chung because he's one of the guys that has played well and consistent enough through the season. It's an able body and not just an able body, but a veteran able body. So now it puts a strain on the linebacking crew," Colvin said.

Denver's defensive end Elvis Dumervil broke through the Patriots offensive line untouched and took Brady down hard in the second half. How much do those hits affect you during a game and when do you really start to feel them?

"You definitely feel the aftermath. I used to tell people all the time the day after a game feels like you were in a car accident; you've been hit from every angle possible. You don't feel it right then because the adrenaline is running, but then as you wake up the next day, just getting out of bed you're like did I run my car into a brick wall?" said Colvin.

With this win over the Broncos the Patriots improved to 11-3 and clinched another AFC East title. This is the 13th time the Pats have qualified for the playoffs since Robert Kraft bought the team in 1994. Are the Patriots the favorite right now in the AFC?

"I always like a team that can play defense and offense. The way the Patriots are playing offense right now they always have a shot because they can put up 30 points. You know the old conversation we've had the past couple of years, if they face a team that holds them to 17 points are they going to be able to compete? The one team that can do that in the AFC is the Steelers," Colvin said.

Listen to the whole interview:

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