City Offering New Boston Parking Meter Card
BOSTON (CBS) - The city's Office of the Parking Clerk has announced the release of a new re-loadable card that commuters can use to park in Boston.
WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Doug Cope reports.
Officials on Tuesday revealed the Boston Meter card, a re-loadable debit card to use in the city's more than 7,000 coin-only parking meters.
Read: Boston Meter Card Info
Users can load between $5 and $100 on the card and then swipe it through a single-space meter when they park and again when they leave. Now, people won't need to dig for loose change and will never again pay for time they don't use, rounded to the nearest nickel.
The cards can be bought online or in person at City Hall.
The cards can be swiped at many of Boston's parking meters that are already equipped with an unmarked slot to swipe the cards.
However, the cards will not work at some meters wired for credit card payments or multi-space meters.