City Of Boston Trying Out New Materials To Fill Potholes
BOSTON (CBS) - The City Of Boston is trying out some new materials to fill potholes this year with hopes that they will save city time and eventually money.
WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Bernice Corpuz reports
Thousands of potholes are expected to be filled this season using three new products.
One of them, called "hole patch" is made of a silly putty-like material in a bag that conforms to the shape of a pothole.
Another material called Aquaphalt, promises to be a permanent fix using environmentally friendly materials and water.
And the third, called "unique paving material" or "UPM" is made with recyclable materials and limestones.
Public Works Deputy Commissioner Elmo Baldassari says these new materials cost more than regular asphalt but they make the DPW's job much easier.