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Former Chicopee school superintendent pleads guilty to lying about making threats to police chief candidate

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CHICOPEE - The former superintendent of Chicopee Public Schools pleaded guilty Tuesday to making false statements after she sent 99 threatening messages to a police chief candidate in Chicopee.

Lynn Clark, 53, of Belchertown, sent threats to expose information about the candidate via text after the candidate applied for the position of police chief in November 2021. The candidate eventually withdrew from consideration, delaying the police chief selection process.

The threats - a total of 99 messages - were sent through a fake phone number purchased by Clark through a mobile app. Clark claimed to have received threatening messages herself and said she didn't know who sent the messages but name other city employees she said she thought might be responsible for sending the messages. Later, Clark admitted to sending the messages herself.

Clark was arrested in April 2022 and charged with two counts of making false statements. Each charge is punishable by up to five years in prison, one of supervised release and a fine of up to $10,000.

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