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Garnett: 'I Bleed Green, I Die Green'

BOSTON (CBS) - Boston Celtics forward Kevin Garnett may have a full no-trade clause, but that isn't going to stop his name from being mentioned in rumors with the February 21st trade deadline approaching.

"It's part of the year you start to hear things, and some of it's chatter, some of it's real. You just have to be able to block certain things out, be able to play through certain things," Garnett said from the Celtics practice facilities on Tuesday. "If it's going to happen, it's going to happen. It's out of your control a lot of time. The things you do control, you control."

Celtics head coach Doc Rivers called the weekend rumor of the Clippers talking to the Celtics about a deal for Kevin Garnett "silly," but Garnett knows general manager Danny Ainge will do anything to make his team better -- even if that means trading either Garnett or Paul Pierce.

"Danny made it very, very obvious since day one, since he brought Ray Allen and myself here to be aligned with Paul that he was going to do whatever is best for this organization," Garnett said. "He's always made that apparent, so I've always understood that."

"I bleed green, I die green. That's what it is," he added. "But it is a business and when that crosses the paths, I deal with it. But trades are a part of this league. Every year you're going to hear certain things. If I were you, I wouldn't read too much into it."

When asked if he would waive his no-trade clause, Garnett made it clear where his heart is.

"I won't comment on things that haven't happened. This is what I am," he said, grabbing his Celtics practice shirt. "Don't get that messed up."

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