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Celtics At 7: Bass Most Easily Tradable, Gonna Have To Find A 'Sucker Team' For Jeff Green

BOSTON (CBS) -  Unless you're name is Wyc Grousbeck, Danny Ainge or Brad Stevens your job with the Celtics is not guaranteed past Thursday's trade deadline.

At 19-36 and owning one of the worst records in the NBA, it should come as no surprise that the C's figure to be one of the busiest teams before the clock hits 3 p.m. on February 20. Their record in conjunction with Danny Ainge's tendency to never shy away from a trade means we could find some familiar faces in different uniforms sooner rather than later.

Sports Hub host Rich Keefe, filling in for Adam Jones, spoke with Brian Robb of about Celtics basketball Wednesday night and they tried to dissect all the recent rumors surrounding the team.

If you're Brandon Bass you might want to start packing a bag, according to B-Robb.

"I definitely think right now he's easily the most tradable piece for the Celtics in the sense that he has playoff experience and he has value on both ends of the floor. He's shown to be a good defender against guys like Carmelo Anthony or even LeBron James in certain circumstances. That's a guy who you want if you're a contender," said Robb.

Robb predicts Bass will get dealt to the Phoenix Suns, who at 32-21 sort of came out of nowhere to be a surprise team in that conference.

Poll a group of 100 Celtics fans on who they'd want to trade the most and the top player you'd come back with is forward Jeff Green - trading him will not be as easy as Bass according to B-Robb.

"I think you're going to have to get a sucker team involved here for Jeff Green. What I mean by that is you need to find a front office that isn't that savvy. A team I look to there is the Charlotte Bobcats. Michael Jordan is at the helm there and he doesn't have a great track record. It's been a tough follow up to his career, but they're trying to make the playoffs and they could use another player."

Who else could be dealt? What about Rajon Rondo? Listen below for the full discussion:

Celtics At 7


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