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Fiorina Sketched Giving Trump Middle Finger In Lynn Newspaper Cartoon

LYNN (CBS) – An editorial cartoon appearing in the Lynn Daily Item depicts Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina with a strong message for political rival Donald Trump.

The newspaper published a caricature of Fiorina looking into a handheld mirror, smirking and holding up her middle finger.

In the cartoon, Fiorina is saying "Here's looking at you Donald."

Trump came under criticism when he told Rolling Stone magazine regarding Fiorina "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!"

Boston University advertising professor Tobe Berkovitz told WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Karyn Regal that while the cartoon may depict what Fiorina is thinking, it's likely not something she would approve of.

"I think the cartoon really portrays what a lot of women American voters feel about Donald Trump," Berkovitz said. "Perhaps this is what Carly Fiorina feels, but this certainly is not what she would respond to Donald Trump with."

Berkovitz said that Fiorina has worked to create a public persona that contrasts how the Daily Item cartoonist imagined she would respond.

"She's a smart enough politician, and the way that she is trying to prepare her brand makes it so she would never do anything like this," said Berkovitz. "In fact this would be a huge gaffe and go against the brand she is trying to portray."

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Karyn Regal reports

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