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Carlos Arredondo: "Being A Rodeo Clown Helped Me Save Victims of Boston Marathon Bombings"

April 27, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013 is a day the people of Boston and the rest of the world will never forget. Two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon killed three people and injured 176 others. In the middle of the chaos, there was one man with a cowboy hat named Carlos Arredondo who stepped in to help the victims of this terrible tragedy. Carlos is now considered by many a "hero" and "warrior of peace".

Arredondo told WBZ-TV Centro's Yadires Nova-Salcedo that a unique set of training skills sent him running into danger immediately after the explosions.

Web Extra: Carlos On Rodeo Clown Training

Arredondo worked as a professional rodeo clown when he was younger – a job that constantly required him to run toward the danger in order to keep others safe.

Arredondo says he believes that training is what sent him running toward the bombing victims on Marathon Monday.

"I'm pretty sure the police officers and the fire men and the EMTs, they're trained to be doing something to help the others," he said. "In my case, my adrenaline went on and I went right to what I knew was danger in order to help others."

Arrendondo is the same man who was once so broken by grief in 2004, that he set himself and a Marine Corps van on fire after hearing that his young son Alex had been killed in Iraq. Years later, his other son committed suicide.

Arredondo, who now lives in Boston, was at the marathon with his wife to cheer on athletes who were running in memory of both of his sons.

When the bombs went off, he immediately started running toward the blast and helping victims.

"My first response when I saw the first explosion, I just prayed and I said for God to protect me," he said. "I saw people cheering, laughing… and suddenly, there was no one there. All I saw was smoke there... Like many others, just go try to help as much as you can."

Arredondo realizes it's a day he will not be able to erase from his memory. He remains in touch with the victims of the bombings, including Jeff Bauman.

A photo captured Arredondo and others rushing Bauman in a wheelchair past the finish line.

Bauman lost both of his legs in the blast.

Help the Victims of the Boston Marathon Bombings

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Watch CENTRO with Yadires Nova Salcedo on WBZ TV-4 (CBS Boston) Saturday's at 7:50am.

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