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Cape Cod Lawmakers, Experts To Release Report On How To Deal With Sharks

EASTHAM, Mass. (AP) — Cape Cod officials are expected to release a long-awaited report on ways the tourist destination can deal with a growing population of great white sharks.

The Woods Hole Group will present its findings Thursday at Nauset Regional High School in Eastham.

Cape Cod National Seashore officials, state lawmakers, town administrators and representatives from the nonprofit Atlantic White Shark Conservancy will also be present to take public comments and answer questions.

The Bourne-based Woods Hole Group was tapped for the $49,950 study after two shark attacks on humans last year, including Massachusetts' first fatal attack in more than 80 years.

The study is expected to examine a range of strategies including deploying sonar detectors, using aerial drones, installing shark barriers and culling seals and sharks.

(© Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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